Extruder / Complete Lecture lines for LLDPE, LDPE, HDPE and other films

No. 64599
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General Plastics Sp. z o.o.
Name and surname:
Józef Wojtłowski
Extruder / extruder / complete extrusion lines for PE film - blow molding.


On request - machine parameters and additional equipment tailored to the customer's needs.

Producer: General Plastics Sp. z o. o

- for STRETCH LLDPE, LDPE, HDPE, stretch hood, shrink, gardening, construction, biodegradable, etc.

- 1-, 2- or 3-layer,

- snail diameters: from 25 to 125 mm,

- width of rollers: from 300 to 3500 mm,

- different types of winding: single (sleeves, half-sleeves) or double (tapes); on a machine or free-standing, e.g. "back to back" type; with automatic or manual change of rolls,

- subassemblies (eg engines, pneumatics, electronics) from reputable manufacturers,

- reliable and easy to use (touch panels).

Single screw extruders, Extrusion lines for blow film production, Extrusion lines for flat film and sheets, Extrusion blowmoulding machines, Lines for mechanical recycling, Films, Bottles, Tubes, Calanders, Vials, ampoules

Polska, 05-092 Łomianki, Kolejowa 152
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