
Italian plastics and rubber processing machinery and moulds manufacturers' Association

Address details:
Str. Centro Direzionale Milanofiori - Palazzo F/3, Strada 1
Italy, 20057 Assago - MI

Detailed description

Founded in 1960 as ASSOCOMAPLAST and changing its name in 2017, AMAPLAST (Italian plastics and rubber processing machinery and moulds manufacturers' Association) is a non-profit association representing some 170 major Italian companies in the plastics and rubber machinery, ancillary equipment and moulds industry. The list of members, organized by name and product type, is available on the homepage of this website, while further information is available in the News section.

AMAPLAST’s main aim is to promote worldwide knowledge and circulation of Italian plastics and rubber processing technologies, which lead the world market in terms of production and exports. Since the early 1950s, Italian manufacturers have offered a complete range of original, reliable and innovative machines.

AMAPLAST members are classified as Effective Members (companies that design, manufacture and sell machines, equipment or moulds for plastics and rubber) and Associated Members (companies that complement the Effective Members).

AMAPLAST takes part in the main sectoral exhibitions abroad with an information booth to help visitors get in touch with Italian companies.


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