Research on biodegradability of plastics, research on biodegradation

No. 120783
Type of offer::
~359 EUR / pc
Available quantity:
1 pc
Valid for:
83 days

Sajtom Light Future Sp. z o. o.
Name and surname:
Tomasz Baran
Research procedure no.1
Packaging - Assessment of ultimate biodegradability under aerobic conditions and decomposition of packaging materials under specific composting conditions - Method of analysis of released carbon dioxide (PN-EN 14046: 2005)
Research procedure no.2
"Determination of the degree of decomposition of plastics and textiles in simulated composting conditions on a laboratory scale. Determination of the loss of mass" (PN-EN ISO 20200: 2016-01 or PN-EN ISO 14045: 2005)
Research procedure no.3
"Determination of the degree of decomposition of plastics and textiles in simulated soil conditions on a laboratory scale. Determination of the loss of mass" (PN-EN ISO 11 721-2: 2005)
Research procedure No. 4
"Packaging - Requirements for packaging suitable for recovery by composting and biodegradation - Test program and evaluation criteria for the final approval of packaging (PN-EN 13432: 2002, PN-EN 14995: 2009)

The price is for one of the selected procedures.

Additionally, in the biodegradability assessment, you can use (these are additional options to procedures 1-4)
Procedure 5 • Characterization of the material - determination of the components of the material and their identification;
Procedure 6 • Ecotoxicity - an indicator of germinated seeds and an increase in plant mass on the resulting compost.

The tests last 6 months and can be shortened to a maximum of 3 months.
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