Welding machine for shrink wrapping

No. 102912
Type of offer::
not specified
Valid for:
5 days

Hortus Zakład Elektromechaniczny mgr inż. Witold Górczyński
Name and surname:
Witold Górczyński

Straight strip sealer, 45 cm long, used for closing products into a half-sleeve of a heat-shrinkable film. Welding and cutting off takes place by briefly pressing the strip. Simple design and convenient operation means that the welder can find many applications. Voltage 230V. 100W power. Price of welding machine 900 PLN net. Film roll length 520mm - 80 PLN net. Blower for shrinking 80 PLN net.

See how it works on yt: https://youtu.be/WB7UnsEmxhI

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