Ecol Sp. z o.o

Oil Analysis, Distribution of Lubricants, Industrial Oil Service

Ecol Sp. z o.o

Str. Podmiejska 71A
44-207 Rybnik
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Activity description

Ecol Sp. z o.o. has been developing technologies connected with lubrication engineering, machine diagnostics and cleaning of the industial installations since 1992.

Parallel to the development of services for industry and energetics, we have developed technological facilities for diagnostic services based on oil analysis.

High quality of our services has been confirmed by various certificates such as: ISO 9901, 14001, 4500, 17025, SCC Petro and WHG Industrie Service. Ecol is the member of CGB Powertech and ICML.


Diagnostic services

Independent laboratory  

We have the state-of-the-art, independent, accredited by Polish Centre for Accreditation, Oil Analysis Laboratory, with an implemented management system compliant with the ISO 17025 standard.

In our laboratory, we conduct analysis of oils, greases, machining and operating fluids, both based on the mineral and synthetic base stocks, so as: engine oils, gear oils, hydraulic fluids, coolants, plastic greases, insulating liquids and also fuels.

Certified lubrication specialists

All obtained results are analysed by qualified diagnosticians – the only one in Poland, certified by such organizations as STLE and ICML. Our customers are given reports from the analysis, containing conclusions and recommendations from our specialists in the field of tribology.

Modern technology of grease testing

Since 2021, greases have been tested based on  the most modern grease testing method in the world – Grease Thief ®, which allows for examination of grease consistency, degree of wear, contamination, oxidation and wear particle counting, using a sample weighing only 1g.

Visit our laboratory 

Distribution of lubricants for industry

Since 1994, Ecol has been an autohized industrial distributor of Lotos Oil lubricants – Polish leading lubricant manufacturer.

Since 2017, Ecol has been also an exclusive distributror in Poland of STRUB Swiss Tribology – independent Swiss manufacturer of lubricants and technical cleaning agents, including higly specialized products from the NSD H1 group.

Additionally, we offer products from manufactures such as: Fuchs, Chevron, Shell, Mobil, Total, Addinol, Quaker and many more. We deliver lubricants including full consultancy and operational services.

Industrial oil service

Our complex lubrication service is the flagship product of Ecol company – it is recommended for the most demanding Customers on the industrial market. We provide our services in the form of outsourced, long-term process, carried out on the premises of customer’s facility.

Interim oil and lubrication services 
We also provide interim lubrication services, such as:
  • supplies of lubricants and hydraulic agents,
  • oil changes,
  • collection and transport of used lubricants to an utilizing institution,
  • oil filtration and care,
  • cleaning of the oil and hydraulic systems,
  • filling of the oil systems,
  • oil analysis.
We carry out oil changes (gear and hydraulic) with use of specialized equipment, allowing for the maintenance of high cleanliness class.

We help to reduce operating costs of equipment by lubricant conditioning, which is performer by means of advanced filtration and dewatering techniques.

Anti-varnish technology
Get rid of varnish and take care of your oil system

We use alternative technologies for removing oil aging deposits i.e. sludge and laqcuers – thanks to technology patented by Fluitec company, called Solvancer ®.

Ecol is an exclusive distributor in Poland of Fluitec company – a supplier of varnish-removing  technologies.

Anti-varnish solutions of Fluitec are the products completely miscible with other lubricants, not interfering their operation, but only improving the solubility of varnish deposits.