Enyax SRL

Compostable products for a greener future - Bio-Dì

Enyax SRL

Str. Piazza IV Novembre, 7
20124 Milan
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About us

Enyax was born following the need to give continuity to projects with a high technological content, in particular innovation for the protection of the environment and the development of renewable energy forms.

In the plastics sector Enyax has competence developing the following materials: Biodegradable and compostable plastics, Additives, Basic and regenerated polymers. Technological and regulatory developments have generated the need to develop a biodegradable and compostable product, to be easily included in the production cycles, accepted commercially and in compliance with current regulations.

Bio-Dì was therefore developed, a latest generation biopolymer, the realization takes place through a polymerization process in stages, while the stable morphology of the Bio-Dì biopolymer allows to create biodegradable and compostable products with increased resistance and stability characteristics.

The same stability of the property formulation allows the biopolymer to be processed through the classic plants, without making any changes and following the production models applied internationally. The unlimited availability of the product allows converters to promote continuous activities without interruptions due to lack of material; this peculiarity is transformed into a competitive advantage of great importance.

The formulation and the specific expertise of the biopolymer are the result of years of research that have led to the achievement of a stable product compliant with current legislation.

The high technical / mechanical characteristics such as resistance, reuse, recyclability, determine an easy acceptance by the final consumer and by the producer as they do not have to change their habits, of process on the industrial side, and of use on the consumer side.

Enyax has an innovative department dedicated to the research and distribution of regenerated plastics, with high product quality standards, destined for various production areas. At the base of the activity, agreements have been made with important companies in the sector, both Italian and foreign.

Among the main growth objectives, Enyax aims to: substantially develop the sales network in Europe and in the world of proprietary products and develop auxiliary and complementary products for industrial production including additives, virgin polymers and regenerated polymers for the plastic sector.

Finally, another goal is the renewable energy sector, mainly aimed at wind energy without neglecting energy from biomass, geothermal and hydroelectric