Kunststoff-und Farben-GmbH

PMMA-Recycling, Polycarbonat-Recycling

Kunststoff-und Farben-GmbH

Str. An der Flurscheide 7
D-64584 Biebesheim
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business activity description

KFG was founded in 1973 by Albert Geipert, initially operating in rented premises in Biebesheim, where the production of specialized two-component acrylic glass adhesives began.

In 1978, KFG built a production hall with an office in the Biebesheim industrial estate. Additionally, the company expanded its portfolio to include full thermal insulation systems, facade paints, and synthetic plasters.

Acrylic glass recycling started in 1980. Today, approximately 40 long-term employees manufacture regrinds for depolymerization, chemically defined acrylic fines for solid acrylic surfaces (such as kitchen sinks and decorative panels), and materials for applications including BMC (car headlight housings), grinding wheels, and blasting agents for the aircraft industry. These products are exported worldwide.

Over the years, neighboring land at Flurscheide 7 was acquired, and additional production halls were built in nine construction phases. Today, KFG operates more than a dozen grinders and extruders for processing.

The company has also expanded its underground tank facilities to a capacity of 150 tons for the production of MMA-based casting resins, including laminating resins for carbon fiber-reinforced orthopedic parts, adhesives, MMA-PU coating compounds for cold rooms, joint sealants, and membranes for motorway bridges (patent application 10 2009 024 452 A1).

After more than 52 years under the founding family's leadership, KFG found an ideal partner in Suscepit GmbH in February 2025 as part of a structured succession plan. Armin Rombach, sole shareholder of Suscepit GmbH, will take over the operational management and further development of KFG alongside KFG’s long-standing managing director, Mr. Nittmann.