The Multilayer blow molder – capable of molding up to a 1 liter bottle has a variety of moulds available from personal care 250 ml to home care mould of 1 liter.
This further strengthens the global investments made recently in Mexico, South America and Thailand of Multi Layer Blow molders. The company now has the same machines and as importantly the same moulds globally, allowing us to offer a unique service to their clients.
- Having the same mould and machine reduces some of the variants when working on Global projects and transferring colors developed in one region to another” said David Horan, Color Development Manager of Ampacet Europe. - Our Key global and international Clients have highlighted that they not only require the communication of a global or international brand message through a consistent Colour and effect, but also that a simultaneous launch regionally or globally is now needed. Ampacet has provided a solution unrivaled in the market place.
Bertrand van Marcke, Marketing Director of Ampacet Europe described the investment as crucial in assisting our clients achieving outstanding effects cost effectively. - We have invested heavily in understanding our clients needs here and these investments coupled with experience from a technical, design, internal trend and project management perspective, mean our clients not only get a faster development process , but a smoother scale up industrially and commercially. Speed to market is one of several steps in the process of a successful and effective launch our clients have come to enjoy using Ampacet. This latest addition to our global expansion program is aimed at strengthening and generating true, tangible value for our clients both regionally and globally.