Amut Ecotech presents waste collection technologies to Russia

Amut Ecotech presents waste…

The ever-increasing awareness on the Russian territory of considering post-consume materials as a resource has lead Amut Ecotech, Green Division of Amut Group, to take part to the “Waste Treatment Conference” organized by Inventra (Creon Group) on the 22nd of October, in Moscow. Antonio Morona, Amut Ecotech Sales Manager, presented the topic “Waste collection integrated system - advanced sorting and recycling technologies”. Amut Ecotech is an Italian manufacturer of sorting and recovery plants for the following waste categories: urban, industrial, compost, recy materials, refuse derived fuel, energy, electronics, construction and demolition.

“The opportunities of doing business with Russia are growing due to the important amendments approved to the current legislation in favour of the waste recycling industry. Russia says it wants to process 80% of its waste by 2030. It is a good encouragement for us to devote our attention to a country where the landfill and the incinerator are the most popular used method of waste disposal today” stated Morona during the Conference.

Morona showed in his speech how waste can be a real resource if properly treated:

Aluminium can be reused at 100% for countless times;

Organic waste is used for biogas production if thermal valorized and for agricultural uses if processed with biooxidation;

Glass can be recycled up to 80%;

Wood is employed for the paper industry, for composting or energy recovery;

Paper recycling ensures a 64 % energy saved compared to primary production;

Plastic, if well separated, can be reused at the 70% to produce other plastic and the 30% to produce RDF (Refuse Derived Fuel).

“Our R&D engineers are mainly focused on developing solutions to reduce the percentage of rejects during the sorting and recovery process. The impact of the landfills is expected to become increasingly contained”. With these words Morona pointed out the commitment of machine manufacturers to preserving the environment and to supporting through advanced technology a cost-effective circular economy.

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