Arburg at Plastpol 2012

Arburg at Plastpol 2012 At the Plastpol 2012, to be held in Kielce from 29 May to 1 June 2012, Arburg will be presenting a selection from its full range of machines with the focus on production efficiency: examples range from the production of a standard part on an electric Allrounder 520 E through to the manufacture of screw caps using the Allrounder 570 H high-performance hybrid machine.

Both energy-efficient exhibits are designed precisely for the relevant product and offer impressive proof that Arburg can provide efficient, tailored injection moulding solutions.

“Production efficiency is a topic that is very close to our hearts,” explains Slawomir Sniady, Managing Director of Arburg Polska. “This is the reason why we not only provide the relevant know-how during technical seminars, but also work very closely together with our customers. The Arburg cost effectiveness calculator enables us to take both general and individual factors into account, optimising cost effectiveness in injection moulding production in a targeted way.”

One of the most important parameters in this calculation is energy consumption, as energy costs have soared in Poland in recent years, so that energy-efficient machines and processes are gaining in importance. Appropriately, Arburg is showing two machines at Plastpol that bear the Arburg "e²" energy-efficiency label as an indication of their optimised energy efficiency in operation.

“The Edrive series, the electric alternative to standard hydraulic machines, is the energy-efficient solution for the general area of standard applications,” explains Slawomir Sniady. He believes that the natural area of application of the Allrounder E series, covering a clamping force range from 600 to 2,000 kN, lies in the automotive industry and in the production of technical moulded parts.

The Allrounder E machines offer advantages in terms of cycle times thanks to their rapid and simultaneous execution of the most important machine movements and their potential with regard to energy efficiency. The high efficiency of the servo-electric drives and the toggle-type clamping unit ensure extremely energy-efficient operation of all electric Arburg machines. Servo motor energy recovery during braking also has a beneficial effect on the machines’ overall energy consumption. Together, these factors combine to reduce energy consumption by up to 50 percent compared to standard hydraulic machines.

An electric Allrounder 570 E, with a clamping force of 1,500 kN and size 400 injection unit will represent the Edrive series at the Plastpol. The exhibit operates with an 8-cavity mould from Hasco and produces pump heads for dosing dispensers. The moulded part weight is 0.99 grams and the cycle time is eight seconds.

“The packaging sector is very important for us in Poland,” says the subsidiary manager. “Our Allrounders produce packaging of all kinds, e.g. for the foodstuffs, pharmaceutical and cosmetic industries, as well as closures and preforms for bottles.”

Appropriately, Arburg is presenting the high-performance hybrid machines of the Hidrive series at the Plastpol, which are predestined for packaging applications. The hybrid Allrounder H series covers a clamping force range from 600 to 5,000 kN and combines maximum production capacity with short cycles and reduced energy consumption.

The exhibit, an Allrounder 570 H with a clamping force of 2,000 kN and a size 800 injection unit, operates with a 32-cavity mould from Witoplast and produces 0.85 g screw caps in a cycle time of ten seconds.

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Fairs 1416
Machines 630