The trade fair team of the Polish Boy representative - 1. Plastcompany - was highly satisfied with this year's plastics exhibition Plastpol in Kielce. The company that is well established in the Polish plastics market presented a total of four injection moulding machines from 28th to 31st May, 2019.
Tomasz Zahorski, Managing Director of the Boy representative in Poznań, drew his trade fair conclusion: "In the many technical discussions with the Polish users at our booth, it has clearly turned out that they are focused in more complex applications. Visitors were also very enthusiastic about the injection units "With these flexible additional injection units," added Zahorski, "conventional injection moulding machines can be upgraded to two- or multi-component machines."
A correspondingly equipped machine was thus one of the visitor magnets at the Plastpol. In combination with the injection unit Boy 2C S, shapely and practical wine spouts were produced on a Boy 60 E. First, the blanks were pre-injected from transparent NAS, then positioned in the (index-) mould and finally overmoulded by the injection unit with TPE. The fully automated complete system with a footprint of only 6.7 m² was equipped with a safety fence and the connection via Euromap 78.
A Boy XXS – which is with 63 kN clamping force the smallest Boy injection moulding machine - and a Boy 35 E complemented the successful exhibition presence of Boy at this year's Plastpol. The ambitious Polish plastics market has been offered many attractive market opportunities for many years. The Plastpol 2019 demonstrated that the degree of specialization is steadily increasing With the addition of the injection units and the Boy XXS into its product programme, Boy prepared the basis for its success in this year’s Plastpol.
Source: Boy