CDM Sinuate is designed to make shoplifting difficult. It is the first commercial product based on Stora Enso`s revolutionary CDM technology that enables electric opening of packages. The industrially produced thin laminate provides very strong sealing for packages, and makes it extremely difficult for a shoplifter to access the product. At the same time, it is easy for consumers to open the package after electric unlocking at the checkout. CDM is based on the electrical delamination of polymers.
In a consumer test carried out at an electronics store in Sweden, 98 percent of consumers found a CDM Sinuate blister package easy to open, while a normal blister package was found difficult to open even with the help of tools. The comments of the sales staff were equally positive. The package with CDM Sinuate offered effective theft protection and minimized product damage in store.
One primary use for CDM Sinuate is blister or clamshell packages, which are typically used for packaging rather small but valuable products such as mobile phones and other small electronics. In these applications, the transparent package must be protective and difficult to steal. This creates a problem for consumers since it can be extremely difficult to open the package after purchase.
- The requirements for theft-protection and authenticity-control often collide with the consumer`s needs for packages that are easy to open and safe to handle. This creates a demand for new solutions such as the CDM Sinuate - says Lars Sandberg, Manager CDM Solutions at Stora Enso. - Luxury packing is another area in which such advanced technology could be used to enhance the experience of opening the package and to underline the authenticity of the product. The laminate can be heat-sealed using the normal sealing methods.
Stora Enso is an integrated paper, packaging and forest products company producing newsprint, magazine paper, fine paper, consumer board, industrial packaging and wood products. Stora Enso`s sales totalled EUR 14.6 billion in 2006. The Group has some 44 000 employees in more than 40 countries on five continents.