Messe Stuttgart will again become the meeting point for the tool, pattern and mould making industry from 6 to 9 May 2025. The international press trip in February was an important milestone during the preparations for the trade fair.
Bydgoszcz demonstrates the innovative capacity of the industry
Poland was the destination for the Moulding Expo press trip which marked the restart of international trade press conferences. Following the trips to hotspots in the tool, pattern and mould making industry in Portugal and Slovenia, the focal point this year was the Bydgoszcz Industrial Cluster Tool Valley. During company visits, Shapers Poland Ltd. and Intemo S.A. provided insights into tool construction and mould making in Poland.
Piotr Wojciechowski, Managing Director of the Bydgoszcz Industrial Cluster Tool Valley, stated the following: "Our Cluster comprises 170 members, including universities, business environment institutions and 140 companies from tool construction and plastics processing that supply high-quality moulds and tools to the automotive industry, the medical industry, the cosmetics industry or manufacturers of household devices."
The Polish Cluster will be represented at Moulding Expo for the first time on a joint stand. Wojciechowski continued: "After our visit in 2023, we will be delighted to present the quality and diversity of our Cluster this year with five to six companies on our joint stand."
Stephan Berz is the new President of ISTMA Europe
The ISTMA Europe Meeting was held at the same time as the Moulding Expo press trip. Stephan Berz was elected as the new President of ISTMA Europe during the Meeting and made the following statement: "Tool construction is an essential cog in European industry. The current structural change calls for adaptation - from customer profiles and procurement and production cooperation agreements through to digitalisation. After more than thirty years in the industry, I want to use my experience and my global network to provide positive momentum and help shape the future."
Importance of Moulding Expo in light of the current economic situation
A round table with the partner associations of Moulding Expo and the ISTMA Europe Meeting provided insights into the current economic situation.
Bob Williamson, President of ISTMA World, summarised: "The world market for tools and moulds is estimated to be $260 billion and is forecast to increase to $500 billion by 2033. Current challenges such as the shortage of skilled workers and supply chain problems are a reflection of global changes. Emerging markets in Asia represent growing competition for the western tool construction industry. This means that there is a need for action in terms of innovations and automation. Regional networks will also become more important in future."
The European tool, pattern and mould making industry and its suppliers are also faced with major challenges. The current consumption and investment restraint can be clearly felt among tool construction companies, which depend to a large extent on the model cycles of their customer industries, and pose a great challenge.

Markus Heseding, Managing Director of the VDMA Precision Tools Association and the VDMA Measuring and Testing Technology Association, emphasised the importance of Moulding Expo in view of the current economic situation: "Moulding Expo is the ideal platform in the heart of Europe to network relevant decision-makers along the metal and plastics value-added chains in regard to tool construction and mould making, discuss future projects and find innovative solutions. The trade fair offers a valuable international network and information which are extremely important, especially in difficult market conditions."
"It is important to recognise in this respect that the tool construction and mould making industry in the D-A-CH area is inexpensive," said Prof. Dr.-Ing. Thomas Seul, President of the Association of German Tool and Mould Makers (VDWF): "The work of tool makers is good value for money! Although their tools and moulds are not cheap, they actually offer real value-added which suppliers from low-wage countries cannot afford: the large number of small and medium-d enterprises in the industry supply valid means of production for the industry - with process reliability, in accordance with the law and without unexpected risks." Seul highlighted in particular the proximity to local customers: "In addition to high delivery speed and flexibility, tool makers from German-speaking countries are also outstanding due to their cultural and linguistic proximity. These are all advantages which can ideally be experienced at first hand during Moulding Expo in Stuttgart."
Highlights of Moulding Expo 2025
Florian Niethammer, Head of Exhibitions & Events at Messe Stuttgart, also provided some important key figures about Moulding Expo 2025: "Planning of Moulding Expo is in full swing and there is still great dynamism. In May we are expecting over 200 companies from 16 countries. 36 per cent of exhibitors come from abroad. After our successful press trip in Poland, we are really looking forward this year to welcoming tool construction companies from the Tool Valley Cluster to Moulding Expo here at Messe Stuttgart at the start of May."