DSM launched NeoCryl B-300

DSM launched NeoCryl B-300 DSM announces the launch of NeoCryl B-300. A unique patented inert solid acrylic resin, which obtains enhanced adhesion properties to plastic substrates to which adhesion is difficult to obtain.

NeoCryl B-300 offers a broad formulating latitude as it is easily soluble in a wide range of diluting monomers. It can be used in energy curable printing inks, overprint varnishes and coatings.

NeoCryl B-300 is easily incorporated into existing systems and is compatible with a wide range of epoxy, urethane and polyester acrylates. Compared to conventional inert resins, NeoCryl B-300 allows the formulator to easier get the desired combination of application properties.

In magnitude, 20% of this resin improves adhesion of printing inks to difficult substrates and improves inter-coat adhesion of overprint varnishes and coatings.

In addition to the above applications, NeoCryl B-300 can be used for indirect food contact related applications. NeoCryl B-300 is a response to the growing trend towards use of energy curable resins in inks for food packaging which requires low migration inks that exhibit excellent adhesion to a wide range of substrates.

This product has been evaluated for its suitability as a binder for various food contact related applications and concluded that, if applied at defined coating thickness and produced according to GMP regulations, the product is suitable for the intended purpose and does not cause any foreseeable risk to human health according to the requirements laid down in the relevant European food contact legislations.

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Plastics 1062