Discarded PET bottles are reborn

Discarded PET bottles are… The reincarnation of discarded polyethylene terephthalate (PET) plastic bottles into Valox iQ resin from SABIC Innovative Plastics epitomizes Cradle to Cradle design, an innovative paradigm from the internationally renowned sustainable design firm, McDonough Braungart Design Chemistry, LLC (MBDC).

This approach, which replaces the less environmentally compatible "cradle-to-grave" model, aims to eliminate waste entirely by circulating safe and healthful materials within closed-loop systems of continuous reuse. To recognize Valox iQ 8280SF resin`s important contribution to sustainability and reduction of landfill waste, MBDC has announced that Valox iQ 8280SF resin is Cradle to Cradle Certified at the Silver tier.

SABIC Innovative Plastics is committed to developing environmentally responsible solutions for its customers that offer high performance, high quality, and new material choices for achieving their sustainability objectives.

The Cradle to Cradle Certification program was created by MBDC and is implemented worldwide, through partners such as the Environmental Protection and Encouragement Agency (EPEA) in Germany.

- There are so many eco claims for today`s products and materials that it's easy to become skeptical - said William McDonough, co-founder, MBDC. - Cradle to Cradle Certification provides a means to tangibly and credibly measure achievement in environmentally intelligent design. Silver Certification winner Valox iQ resin demonstrates SABIC Innovative Plastics` dedication to practical yet novel materials that can help improve environmental impacts moving forward.

Valox iQ resin is made with polybutylene terephthalate (PBT) - based polymers using a proprietary process. The material consumes less energy and yields less carbon dioxide (CO2) than traditional resins through its entire manufacturing process from cradle (discarded PET bottle) to gate (Valox iQ resin pellet).

Valox iQ resin is created using up to 85 percent post-consumer plastic waste, giving it a carbon footprint 50 to 85 percent lower than other engineered thermoplastics, extending the useful life of a polyethylene terephthalate bottle to 20 years.

Applications for Valox iQ resin include furniture, computers and consumer electronics, transportation and automotive components like connectors, mud guards, lighting bezels and more.

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Plastics 1100
Recycling 1153
Bottles 284