Global Housing, DuPont and Braskem have established an unprecedented partnership to launch a new concept for the commercial and residential construction market in Brazil. Dubbed Concrete PVC House, this technology represents a fast and innovative way to build a variety of high-quality constructions on an industrial scale, with reduced usage of water and wood and minimum waste of materials.
The beauty of this system is the versatility that it brings, allowing methods used in simpler constructions to be applied to much more complex construction projects, such as hospitals, crèches, schools, community centers and warehouses.
Other innovative features are: the speed of construction, which makes it possible to put up a completely finished house in one week (traditional methods take at least 90 days); durability; immunity against bacteria and fungus; ease of cleaning and conserving; and low maintenance. Also, specialized labor is not necessary for the construction. Due to these factors, the project aims to contribute to the reurbanization of several cities, both in Brazil and worldwide.
Sustainability is a key differential. Thanks to reduced waste of materials, economy of water and energy consumption during construction and higher productivity gains, losses are lower in comparison with conventional systems.
The construction system, developed by Global Housing with DuPont and Braskem technology, has just been approved by Caixa Econômica Federal to build 1,000 houses throughout the country. This was the first step to obtaining approval of the federal government's "My House, My Life" ("Minha Casa, Minha Vida") program.
Through this project, Global Housing, DuPont and Braskem hope to help a larger part of the Brazilian population achieve their dream of becoming a home owner.
In order to sell this system in the Brazilian market, the three companies got all the local competent bodies involved, so as to comply with all the national technical standards and legal requirements and the expectations and needs of the population.
The Concrete PVC Construction System was duly analyzed and obtained a positive technical evaluation, in accordance with the National System for Technical Evaluation (SINAT) guideline 004 and the Brazilian National Standards Organization NBR 15575.