Engel forecasts record year

Engel forecasts record year Engel will generate the highest turnover in the company's history in the current fiscal year, which ends in March 2012.

The current capacity utilisation and order books at Engel 's facilities worldwide have developed in such a positive way that turnover will increase by more than 30 % compared to last year.

Following a turnover of 616 m Euros in the fiscal year 2011, the group will generate around 740 m Euros of turnover in the current fiscal year 2012. The business could be increased in all national markets, especially in Asia. The considerable increase in Asia is mainly due to successful marketing of the Engel duo series, which is manufactured by Engel China. This year, one in four large-scale machines deployed in the relevant markets in Asia - taking European and Japanese competitors into consideration - will be produced by Engel. The worldwide sales in the field of linear robots have also experienced a substantial growth. Engel will sell 1,200 automation units in this product sector for the first time this fiscal year.

Engel is benefiting from the continuously increasing demand for larger injection moulding machines, the increasing level of automation in the plastics processing industry, and in particular from the current trend towards energy-saving options. By now, one in two hydraulic injection moulding machines from the Austrian Engel works is equipped with energy-saving Engel ecodrive servohydraulics. This makes Engel the clear market leader in the hydraulic injection moulding machine sector with energy-saving options. The successful market launch of Engel ecodrive led to an enormous leap in sales in the 101 to 400 tonne machine sector.

To further improve the efficiency, quality and capacity of its works, Engel invested some 50 m Euros in the current fiscal year. The main investment of around 37 m Euros went into extending the Schwertberg facility, and into new processing machines at the St. Valentin large-scale machine works. Additionally, capacity was increased at Engel Shanghai, and the extension of the automation centre at Hagen/Germany was begun.

Engel will continue to consolidate its market position this year and in the years to come. The main objective is to promote industry competence in the medical, teletronics and packaging markets and to continue extending market share worldwide. The most pronounced positive influence on the demand for injection moulding machines in the larger clamping force ranges will come from lightweight construction. Engel intends to invest in a targeted way to do justice to the topic of lightweight construction as a future innovation with its product portfolio and application competence.

Engel's sales focus will be clearly on the future promise of growth markets in the BRIC countries, Brazil, Russia, India and China. Sales consultancy competency has been enhanced in these countries and the market share has seen considerable growth.

The number of staff employed at Engel's facilities worldwide grew within one year from 3200 to 3700. Of these 3700 staff, around 2300 work at Austrian facilities. The number of staff increased strongly in the Czech Republic and Asia in particular by 24% in Asia and by 25 % in the Czech Republic.

As a family managed company, Engel emerged from the crisis with a policy of targeted development. Consistent investment in production locations and the sales structure, and the ongoing development of the product portfolio, have led to both positive development of the sales, and helped to acquire new business in the last three years.

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Market 705
Sale 89
Machines 630

World’s largest manufacturer of injection moulding machines and, at the same time, one of the world’s leading plastics processing machine manufacturers
