EuPR HDPE Eco-design guidelines

EuPR HDPE Eco-design guidelines EuPR, the Brussels based organisation representing plastics recyclers in Europe has developed NEW European eco-design guidelines for HDPE bottles in order to bring HDPE recycling to new horizons.

According to Christian-Yves Crépet, EuPR HDPE Working Group Chairman, “HDPE is a very good and easily recyclable material”. Today, only around 300.000 tonnes of HDPE bottles are being recycled annually in Europe. Unfortunately, this only represents 10% to 15% of the HDPE waste generated in Europe. This situation can be rectified by addressing various aspects such as “an increase in the collection rates, the design of HDPE products put on the market and the technological improvements made by recyclers.

In order to meet higher plastics recycling targets set out in EU legislation, more plastics material needs to go for recycling within the next 5 years. Regarding the eco-design, these EuPR guidelines have been developed with the aim of getting a good quality recyclate that can be used again in new products such as, for example, milk bottles with food contact recyclate grades according to existing EU legislation.

“The various actors of the HDPE value chain must NOW cooperate together in order to get HDPE on the path to sustainability” said Mr. Crépet. EuPR is ready to take a leading role to promote more recycling of HDPE in Europe, but in order to achieve this EuPR needs closer cooperation from brand owners who care about the sustainability of HDPE bottles.

EuPR HDPE Eco-design guidelines

Read more:
Bottles 280
Law 89