From 27 to 29 September 2022, it will once again be time for Fachpack, the trade fair for packaging, technology and processes, to open its doors at Exhibition Centre Nuremberg. Under the banner “Transition in Packaging”, more than 1,100 exhibitors will present their innovative products and solutions for the packaging of the future in nine exhibition halls. Fachpack sees itself as a trailblazer and source of inspiration for the industry. As such, it is once again organising an extensive programme of presentations to complement the exhibition. The Packbox forum (Hall 9), Techbox forum (Halle 3C) and exhibitor forum Innovationbox (Hall 5) will all feature interesting topics and speakers.
The Fachpack forums are always a crowd puller: Last year, the Packbox and Techbox forums attracted around 9,500 participants. What is special about the forums is that the programme is designed by prestigious partners from the packaging sector that invite participants not just to listen to the presentations but to get actively involved in the discussions as well. The forums will address topical industry issues like sustainability, digitalisation, the shortage of skilled personnel, supply chain bottlenecks, the energy crisis, supply chain management, raw material prices, and a whole lot more.
Different focus every day
Each day, the Packbox and Techbox forums focus on a different topic. In Packbox, which is all about packaging, packaging printing and finishing, these topics are “Market Experience and Expectations” (27.9.), “Sustainable Design & Material” (28.9.) and “Packaging: digital & smart” (29.9.).
Packbox partners include: bayern design, Berndt + Partner, German Packaging Institute (dvi), DFTA Flexodruck Fachverband, EPDA (European Brand & Packaging Design Association), FFI (German Folding Carton Association/ProCarton (European Association of Carton and Cartonboard Manufacturers), FuturePackLab/ popular packaging, Horváth & Partners, IK (German Association for Plastics Packaging), K&A BrandResearch, Packaging Europe Ltd., Packaging Journal, Pahnke, taste, WPO (World Packaging Organisation) and Zukunftsinstitut (futurology institute).
In the Techbox forum, which focuses on packaging technology and logistics, the themes are “Innovation & Climate Strategy” (27.9.), “New Work: future working models in packaging (28.9.) and “Efficiency & Digitalisation” (29.9.). This forum is hosted and organised by: AIM-D e.V., BayStartUp, BGH Consulting, German Association of Packaging Engineers (bdvi), Deutsche Bank AG | Research / Economics, FNR (Agency for Sustainable Resources), University of Applied Sciences Vienna Campus, Fraunhofer Institute for Material Flow and Logistics (IML), Fraunhofer Institute for Process Engineering and Packaging (IVV), Institut für Generationenforschung (generational research institute), Logistik heute/ Huss Verlag, neue verpackung/ Hüthig Verlag, Packaging Journal, Packaging Valley Germany, Tilisco, TU Dresden, and VVL (Association for the Promotion of Innovative Logistics Solutions).
The Packbox and Techbox forums are accompanied by the exhibitor forum Innovationbox in Hall 5, where registered exhibitors can introduce their innovations and product highlights to trade visitors in live, 30-minute presentations.
Fresh thoughts on the supply chain
It all kicks off at 10 a.m. on the first day in the PACKBOX Breakfast Club with a keynote by Gunhard Keil from the renowned Zukunftsinstitut (futurology institute). The Viennese entrepreneur and longstanding advisor to the packaging industry reveals “Fresh thoughts on the future of the supply chain” in his presentation “Structure follows strategy or customer follows packaging?” He sees conurbations like New York, Beijing or Frankfurt as the raw material centres of the future, for example. And as with transport packaging, there are going to be a lot of changes in the future in the field of logistics and freight transport.