Fakuma 2024 in Friedrichshafen was a full success for Dr. Boy.
With a large number of visitors, numerous discussions and lots of positive feedback, the company, located in Neustadt-Fernthal, can look back on a successful trade fair. Not only the atmosphere within the team was excellent, the relationship with customers could also further be tightened.
Boy presented a total of 12 exhibits, six of them on their own booth, amongst them two exhibits with the Boy-Handling LR 5. In addition to the established configuration with its own control panel, Boy demonstrated on one of its exhibits a handling control fully integrated into the Procan Alpha 6. This simplifies operation, the data record and alarm handling and it also reduces the hardware and thus significant costs.
Visitors were particularly impressed by the presentation of the new Electric series.
The Boy machines 35 Electric, Boy 50 Electric and Boy 80 Electric in the clamping force range from 350 to 800 kN offer numerous features to increase the precision and, above all, they also increase the efficiency during injection moulding in case of high-speed applications thanks to parallel movements. The drives for injection, dosing and ejection are electromechanical. The mould area thus remains free of oil and lubricants.
The Boy Electric series not only impresses with its performance, but also with its new machine design. OSSD safety technology (Output Signal Switching Device) has also been incorporated into the new series. The drive and inverter technology are integrated in the smallest possible space and offer numerous expansion options. This has enabled Boy to remain true to its concept of a small footprint.

Visitors did not only praise the appealing and open design of the trade fair booth and the familiar atmosphere, but also the opportunity to experience the injection moulding machines first hand and to talk directly to the experts on site.
“The many discussions have shown us that we are on the right track and that our products meet the needs of our customers. We look forward to deepening the contacts we have made and turning the discussions into future collaborations. The decision to present the new Electric series was also absolutely the right one, despite the high cost and risk involved,” comments Alfred Schiffer, Managing Partner of Dr. Boy GmbH & Co. KG.