First biodegradable toothpaste tube

First biodegradable toothpaste… Tectubes introduces the world's first truly biodegradable toothpaste tube made from FKuR's bioresins.

Tectubes injection mould, extrude and print the various parts of the tube. The tube itself stands out due to its excellent mechanical properties.

“Using bio resins for such an application was a challenge for us. We needed to have compatibility between the different parts, and match them together with good conversion properties”, says Johan Barkentin, project leader at Tectubes, Sweden. ”By using FKuR’s expertise and range of sustainable bioplastics we were able to reach a very satisfactory solution”, he says.

The result of this development is a toothpaste tube made from natural products. Allveggie’s Swedish manager Stefan Lundbladh pointed out: ”It is important for us to emphasize our ecological awareness and send a signal. By using bioplastics we can fulfil our wish to have an overall environmentally friendly solution.“ All of the raw materials which have been used are biodegradable.

First biodegradable toothpaste tube

Bjarne Högström, FKuR’s sales representative for Scandinavia, stated that “This development shows the versatility of biopolymers and how far biopolymers have progressed with respect to processability and final characteristics.”

Bioplastics are an own class of polymers, which have properties comparable to conventional polymers, but are made from renewable resources or enable the biodegradability of the products made from this material.

Tectubes is a global partner in tube production. They produce more than 300,000,000 tubes yearly, from their factories in Sweden and North America.

Allveggie produces toothpaste made from natural substances. Also, the product is considered as Fair Trade and does not exploit nature or people.

FKuR Kunststoff GmbH produces and markets special customized biopolymers under the brand names Bio-Flex (polylactic acid compound), Biograde (cellulose ester compound) and Fibrolon (natural fibre reinforced polymers). FKuR is one of the leading producers of technical bioplastics. The close cooperation of the company with the Fraunhofer Institute UMSICHT assures outstanding know-how and quality standards.

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