At the K 2016 Flexo Wash will be exhibiting a NEW Anilox Cleaner capable of cleaning two anilox rolls simultaneously in only 10-15 minutes. This 'must have' offers high print quality and safe maintenance of anilox rolls. The machine runs with environmentally friendly liquids that are re-used to reduce consumption.
Other 'must haves' on display at the expo are the Flexo Wash Plate Washer, which handles 20 metres of plate in just one hour, and the popular and fully automatic Multi Cylinder Cleaner that cleans 10-12 gravure cylinders in one hour, by loading the carriage and letting the machine do the rest.
When it comes to parts washing, Flexo Wash can tailor a solution no matter what type of press or type of material that needs to be removed to make the most out of the washing area and washing room. The ATEX Parts Washer on display is customised for the cleaning of buckets and hoses, and can be connected to the Flexo Wash Distillers.