Ulf Trabert, Product Manager Branded Goods at Gabriel-Chemie is convinced: "This type of perfect surface can be cost-effectively achieved through mass colouration. We have adopted a unique position of quality in the metallisation substitution sector with our formulas and the high-grade effect pigments from Schlenk."
The masterbatch can be used in many polymers and has already been successfully tested in a wide range of manufacturing processes. It is also approved for contact with food. This alternative offers benefits in packaging processing for numerous plastics packaging manufacturers, especially in the cosmetics industry, as additional logistical tasks and production steps can be omitted by doing away with the need for metallisation. All the benefits of plastic packaging are retained, including the higher breakage resistance compared to other materials. The masterbatch for all colours of the "Flowing Metallics" series can be used not only for cosmetics packaging but also for food packaging, household products and in the sports industry, and also turns lifestyle products into exclusive eye-catchers.
Dr. Frank J. Maile, Director Business Unit Coatings & Plastics at Schlenk Metallic Pigments GmbH is impressed with the attractive effects of "Flowing Metallics" from Gabriel-Chemie. "We are really pleased to be able to make an active contribution to the development of new effects and solutions for our customers with innovative products. The result of the cooperation with Gabriel-Chemie is setting new standards in the field of metallisation substitution, which we all can be very proud of."