Solar energy for sustainable plastics
By establishing a new photovoltaic installation in the Austrian town of Gumpoldskirchen, Gabriel-Chemie is showing how to successfully combine plastics with sustainability, at the same time sending out a clear signal for climate and environmental protection. As a leading masterbatch provider both nationally and internationally, this family company is aware of its responsibility and will continue to expand future efforts in environmental protection and sustainability tirelessly.
The photovoltaic installation set up on the roofs of the production and warehouse buildings is intended to be used to supply power to the production facilities and office buildings. 2,671 ultra-modern photovoltaic panels have been installed across an area of around 4,487 square meters to produce energy independently.
2671 photovoltaic panels for cleaner energy
The newly established photovoltaic installation is being co-financed by the European Regional Development Fund and will achieve a nominal power output of around 881 kWp (kilowatt peak). The solar panels will generate up to 903,500 kilowatt-hours of clean energy for Gabriel-Chemie every year. That’s the same amount of energy as is used by around 200 private households in Austria. Thanks to this cleaner energy production solution, the masterbatch producer has the option of feeding energy into the grid at the weekends and using it to supply energy to the production building as required at other times.
Renewable energy as part of Gabriel-Chemie’s Sustainability Initiative
At the start of 2020, Gabriel-Chemie published its first Sustainability Report which is also the recipe for success for a sustainable future. The Austrian family company attaches great importance to a healthy balance between economic and environmental issues. Gabriel-Chemie makes plastic valuable. The promotion of the Circular Economy depends on the durability of plastics, improved recyclability and sustainable end products. Therefore, sustainability at all levels is at the heart of our business and as a masterbatch producer this extends to our entire value creation chain.