According to Global Injection Moulding Machine Market Size, Share & Trends Analysis Report by Material, by Technology, by End Use, by Region, and Segment Forecasts, 2022-2030 published by Research and Markets, it is predicted that the global market of injection moulding machines will reach a value over 22 billion USD by 2030.
Between 2022 and 2030, the cumulative average growth rate is expected to be a CAGR of 4.6%. The leaders in the production of injection moulding machines remain countries from the APAC region (Asia and the Pacific), mainly China and India, the next positions in the ranking are taken by the United States and Europe. When it comes to the European market, Germany is the undisputed leader responsible for over 35% of the industry's revenues, Poland also holds a key position in the Old Continent which is also the third largest country in Europe in terms of consumption of plastics "per capita" kg / person.
We are talking with Agnieszka Kulisiewicz - Managing Director of Mapro Polska, the sole distributor of Haitian injection moulding machines in Poland, about the current situation on the Polish injection moulding machine market, as well as plans and forecasts for the development and future of the distribution market.
A woman in such a high position in this industry is rather a sensation and an exception at the same time?
At the beginning of the 21st century, women in key positions were rare. Fortunately, things have changed today. Women perform responsible functions and achieve professional success in almost every industry. Personally, I think that in business it is not gender but competences that matter.
But it seems that it is definitely more difficult for women in this industry, if only for its specificity and extremely technical and at the same time highly specialized nature
When I entered this industry, about 20 years ago, I had the impression at almost every step that I had to prove or demonstrate my knowledge and competences to men. Broadly understood management is my profession, which is also my passion. However, I am a master of engineering by education so technical topics are familiar to me, which gives me a strong foundation and plays an important role. Cooperation with Haitian, which sets the direction for of the industry around the world, gives a endless range of development and continuously new ideas.

Agnieszka Kulisiewicz - Managing Director of Mapro Polska, the sole distributor of Haitian injection moulding machines in Poland.
How do you assess the current situation in the industry from the perspective of the Polish and European markets? Do you see any differences here? Are we all together at the gates of another crisis and a complete slowdown of the production sector or will it not be so bad?
Crises have been around for years and unfortunately appear in cycles. They usually only affect certain economic sectors, while at the same time others experience amazing growth and increases in revenue. The production sector, both in Europe and Poland, is so versatile that in my opinion, it is not threatened with complete slowdown. In Poland, we have many very experienced entrepreneurs who are able to adapt their management styles to changing circumstances, as was shown during pandemic.
The end of the year usually means a cyclical and seasonal reduction in the level of production, and this year it is additionally stimulated by a recession in demand and a reduction in demand in most sectors.
Based on our own experience, the end of the year is always a very busy period at Mapro Polska. We deliver and install a large number of Haitian and Zhafir injection moulding machines, we also note an increased demand for new machines. Additionally, our clients are already preparing for the new year in December which means our service department is kept busy providing various services.
Do you think that the machine distributor market will be significantly influenced by the rising costs of energy which in the end will be paid mostly by end users? How would you describe the significance of the ongoing conflict beyond the eastern border of Poland on this industry?
Rising costs of energy will force the modernization of existing machinery parks. Hydraulic injection moulding machines are increasingly replaced with electric driven machines, which has been happening in Western European countries, mainly Germany and Italy, for several years. Distributors that offer electric injection moulding machines and who also provide very good technical and service support, should not complain about the lack of work. Any conflict, like a crisis, brings both opportunities and threats.