Innovia Films launches new polish website

Innovia Films launches new…

The acquisition in 2019 of a Polish manufacturing plant in Plock, Poland identified the need for a new Innovia Films Polish website to ensure they could continue to provide comprehensive information to their primary market.

Work began during 2020, in conjunction with the development of the new English website.  All the English content was translated, checked and uploaded, including all the technical datasheets and literature, to the Polish website by the local team.  

Oliver Dirmeier, General Manager, Innovia Films Poland states “We recognised the need to maintain a Polish website because many of our local customers and employees are not fluent in English. This website allows us to have an online portal that keeps everyone up to date with new developments as well as providing information on our established portfolio.  So far, we have received some very positive feedback from our target audience.  Well done to everyone involved in this successful project.”

The new site can be easily accessed via the language selector, the icon right of the contact link.

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