Italtech: two fast planes for Plast

Italtech: two fast planes… At the presentation of the new two plane KL press series during the open-house held last week in the Mazzano, Brescia facilities, Massimo Pegoraro - Italtech Managing Director - announced that at Plast09, the company he is leading would present a new two fast plane press line of small size (by way of indication, from 150-200 tons to 1,000 tons gripping power) for thin wall packaging and press applications, characterised by "an innovative gripping group".

A series which shall go alongside, without substituting it, with the Impetus range, also developed for the packaging industry, but equipped with a more classical gripping toggle system. With this project, Italtech aims at extending the two plane technology to fast applications as well.

Meanwhile, the new KL series has been launched, fourth generation of a two plane hybrid drive press with gripping toggle from 800 to over 6,000 tons, substituting the previous KS family. The novelties are the fusion planes and the gripping group, now with jaws on the columns with vertical asynchronous gripping, for better adapting to the cantilever columns. The KL machines are equipped with screw electrical drive (bimetal in series), with direst coupling and water cooling. Solutions with extractable columns for mould insertion are also available.

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Machines 630
Fairs 1416