JEC World 2021 postponed

JEC World 2021 postponed

Due to the continued impact of the Covid-19 pandemic and after thorough consultation of clients and partners, the JEC World team announces that the next edition of JEC World is postponed from March 9 to 11 to June 1 to 3, 2021. With the growing concern among exhibitors and partners surrounding the critical situation of the Covid-19, travel restrictions, quarantine, and lockdown measures announced recently in many countries, the JEC World team has decided to work on a new timeline to hold the next edition of the event in safer conditions in 2021.

"We truly regret having to make this difficult decision. However, we are all committed, starting today to deliver the best JEC World experience to our clients. We look forward to welcoming the international composites community back to Paris in June 2021", says Eric Pierrejean, CEO of JEC Group.

JEC World is also proud to introduce its audience this year, its new digital platform, JEC World Augmented. This online platform, programmed to take place alongside JEC World, is tailored primarily for attendees who cannot be present physically at the show but still want to experience a tremendous digital event immersion.

"JEC World and its augmented platform will bring the international composites community and specialists together to network with exhibitors, hold digital business meetings, access online conferences, workshops, and discover the latest composites innovation," says Adeline Larroque, Show director and EMEA events.

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