KraussMaffei Berstorff has a very strong position in the French market, in particular in the profile market. "Thanks to our good reputation, we have been able to strengthen our market position with significant contracts in the area of cable duct and WPC production. Our French customers appreciate the high quality of our products and the technical competence of our sales staff," Andreas Kessler, Sales Manager at KraussMaffei Berstorff in Munich is pleased to say. With Olivier Crave (O.C. Team), KraussMaffei Berstorff has a competent partner in France for the marketing of premium-quality extrusion systems. "Oliver Crave, as a renowned specialist in Extrusion Technology, convinces us with his technical competence and extensive experience in sales. Customers in France appreciate him as a direct contact partner who speaks the local language. We look forward to continuing our cooperation", Kessler continues.
Olivier Crave manages O.C. Team, which is based in Vaux-en Burgey (near Lyon). After completing his studies in mechanical engineering at the UTC, he started his career at a competitor company in France, and then from 1995 worked as a Sales Representative for KraussMaffei Berstorff. He gained international experience as Sales Manager at KraussMaffei Corporation in the USA, before starting his own firm in 2008. In addition, since 2009 Olivier Crave has been Vice-President of the SPE (Society of Plastics Engineers), an association of plastics engineers based in North America and active around the world.