Krones today published its 2024 Annual Report. Despite the critical general economic environment, the company once again increased revenue and profitability. Krones plans to continue on its profitable growth path. This is also reflected in the title of the annual report, “Profitable growth”. The annual report also contains the company’s non-financial statement in a separate section of the group management report.
Revenue up 12.1% to €5,293.6 million in 2024; order intake exceeds high prior-year figure by 1.6%
Krones’ revenue exceeded the five billion euro mark for the first time in 2024, increasing by 12.1% year on year from €4,720.7 million to €5,293.6 million. The company thus achieved the growth forecast of 9% to 13%.
In the international beverage industry, which is less affected by economic fluctuations, the willingness of customers to invest remains robust. Compared to the previous year’s high level of €5,376.6 million, order intake increased by 1.6% in 2024 to €5,460.7 million. Krones had an order backlog totalling €4,289.5 million at the end of 2024. This means that the order backlog grew by 4.1% compared to the previous year (€4,122.3 million).
EBITDA margin increased to 10.1% (previous year: 9.7%)
Krones improved all key earnings figures in 2024 compared to the previous year. Contributing factors include good capacity utilisation, intelligent production and procurement management, ongoing cost reduction and efficiency measures and the stable price level. Earnings before interest, taxes, depreciation and amortisation (EBITDA) climbed by 17.5% year on year, from €457.3 million to €537.1 million. The EBITDA margin rose from 9.7% to 10.1%. This was within the full-year 2024 guidance range of 9.8% to 10.3%.
Earnings before taxes (EBT) increased by 22.9%, from €310.5 million in the previous year to €381.6 million. The EBT margin therefore improved to 7.2% (previous year: 6.6%). Krones generated consolidated net income of €277.2 million in 2024, an increase of 23.4% (previous year: €224.6 million). This corresponds to earnings per share of €8.77 (previous year: €7.11).
Krones generates high cash flows - financial and capital structure remains very solid
Despite M&A activities with purchase price payments of €179.4 million (previous year: €114.5 million) - mainly for the acquisition of Netstal Maschinen AG - Krones 2024 improved free cash flow by €214.5 million to €113.2 million (previous year: −€101.3 million). Free cash flow before acquisitions increased even more significantly, by €279.3 million to €292.5 million (previous year: €13.2 million). Return on capital employed (ROCE) also rose substantially from 16.3% in 2024 to 18.2%. The ROCE target for 2024 was 17% to 19%.
Krones had a comfortable €439.9 million in net cash (cash and cash equivalents less bank debt) at the end of 2024 (previous year: €444.7 million). The equity ratio was 40.5% (previous year: 38.3%). Overall, Krones continues to possess a very solid and stable financial and capital structure.
With the above figures, Krones has confirmed the preliminary figures published on 20 February 2025.
Krones sets net-zero emissions target for 2040
The non-financial statement (NFS), which is part of the group management report, provides a detailed presentation of all important qualitative and quantitative non-financial information on material sustainability topics. The NFS was prepared for the first time in 2024 in predominant accordance with the European Sustainability Reporting Standards (ESRS).
In 2024, the group adopted the strategic goal of reducing its greenhouse gas emissions along the entire value chain to net zero. For the implementation of its net zero strategy, Krones has set interim targets through to 2030. The company aims for an 80% reduction in operational greenhouse gas emissions (Scope 1 and Scope 2) and a 30% reduction in Krones’ upstream and downstream value chain emissions (Scope 3) by 2030 relative to 2019. At the end of the 2024 financial year, the company stands at a 52% reduction in Scope 1 and Scope 2 and 18% for its sold products in Scope 3. Krones is also on track to achieve the interim targets for other key sustainability indicators by 2030.

Shareholders to receive dividend of €2.60 per share for 2024 (previous year: €2.20 per share)
Krones’ long-term dividend policy is to distribute 25% to 30% of consolidated net income to shareholders, although in recent years it has aimed for the upper end of this range. For the successful 2024 financial year, the Executive Board and Supervisory Board will propose a dividend of €2.60 per share at the Annual General Meeting on 27 May 2025 This represents an increase of €0.40 per share or 18.2% compared to the previous year (€2.20 per share) and corresponds to 29.6% of consolidated net income.
Executive Board forecasts further profitable growth in 2025
In view of the difficult global economic situation, Krones started the 2025 financial year with realistic optimism. A large order backlog ensures production capacity utilisation through to early 2026. This assessment is also supported by the robust demand for Krones’ products and services.
Based on the prevailing macroeconomic outlook and the current expected development of the markets relevant to Krones, the company forecasts consolidated revenue growth of 7% to 9% in 2025.
On the basis of increasing revenue, an ongoing disciplined price strategy and continued implementation of the efficiency and cost optimisation measures, Krones plans to improve profitability again this year compared to 2024. At group level for 2025, the company forecasts an EBITDA margin of 10.2% to 10.8%.
For the third performance target, return on capital employed (ROCE), Krones expects between 18% and 20% in the current financial year.