LPKF presents a broad product range at Fakuma

LPKF presents a broad product… LPKF is showcasing a broad-based product portfolio at the Fakuma. The laser specialist, based in Fürth/Germany, is presenting systems and processes in hall A4, stand 4219.

LPKF InlineWeld systems are space saving and flexible. Laser sources and controls are housed in a separate module. The compact welding head can be integrated to save space in client's own production lines.

The stand-alone units of the LPKF PowerWeld line are all-rounders, suitable for all production configurations. Depending upon handling and laser source, they can be configured for small, medium or large series production runs. The LPKF PowerWeld 2600 has a rotary table: the quality and speed of the process can be experienced in live welding demonstrations on the stand.

The LPKF TwinWeld3D is a robot-assisted hybrid welding system designed for welding large 3D free form components in thermal fields. They are suitable for visible, high quality, economic welds, e.g. for auto taillights. The rotary table helps reduce non-productive times and can produce pairs of taillights in one process.

LPKF PrecisionWeld complements and extends the spectrum of applications in laser plastic welding. The new LPKF ClearJoining laser process can weld transparent plastics without requiring absorbent additives. The system has a positioning accuracy of only 10 µm, creating welded seams of 100 µm width, making this innovative system also suitable for ultrafine microfluidic components with sensitive channel structures.

Visitors to the fair can review the transmission properties of plastics at the LPKF booth with the new TMG 3 unit. The device determines transmission properties at the welding laser wavelength. The material tests can be performed with a stand-alone system or integrated in the production line. The new system is protected against interfering light and only requires a single USB port. An additional RS-232 port is integrated to allow connection with Tracking&Tracing processes.

The laser-welding specialists from LPKF are available at Fakuma to answer your questions and deal with project inquiries. They also demonstrate the wide range of areas of application of laser plastic welding on systems already in operation.


LPKF Laser & Electronics AG produces machines and laser systems used in electronic production, medical technologies, the automobile industry and solar cell production. 20 per cent of all employees are active in research and development.

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Fairs 1420