Luxor a light: new Motan's system dryer

Luxor a light: new Motan's… Motan introduced new Luxor A light. It is the system dryer that is designed for standard applications of all kind and targeted to material feeding for the plastics processing industry.

For those who want to manufacture with low energy consumption and expand their systems economically, without any problems and large capital outlay, the Luxor A light is a good choice.

The system dryer is designed for standard applications of all kind and targeted to material feeding for the plastics processing industry. Provided that the number of controlled units is not exceeded, the existing drying system can be expanded and configured at the local panel of the processor. Thanks to the CAN bus technology, the dryer offers a high degree of flexibility - a big advantage of the new Luxor A light.

The system dryer is equipped with the Luxornet light control which can easily be integrated into the Motan Controlnet through the Ethernet interface. This enables decentralised control or centralised monitoring of the system. Luxornet light controls up to eight Luxorbin A bins, including their own material feeding, and in addition, up to twelve hopper or machine loaders on the processing machines.

Another advantage is the low energy consumption. It is achieved through the patented ETA-process elements, such as heat exchanger in the drying and regeneration process, as well as closedloop cooling. As a result, the processor saves costs and energy. With the DryingOrganizer option, energy savings can even be increased.

Dew point control and trend chart are also available options. The dew point control optimises the change of the desiccant beds depending on material moisture and throughput. With the process air trend chart, the drying temperature trend of the past eight hous can be observed.

The Luxornet light control offers the possibility for the integration of twomaterial machine loaders or mixing valves which premix virgin and regrind as needed. Operation is simple and user-friendly and utilises a colour graphic touch-screen.

Motan is a German company. It`s total commitment is to the storage, drying, conveying and blending of pelletised material. In many countries Motan has the sole representatives. In Poland such a sole representative is Plast Line, based in Wrocław. This company cooperates also with Getecha and Regloplas, the other leading German suppliers of plastics equipment.

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Dryers 66