METROLUX - all inclusive, flexible drying and conveying

METROLUX - all inclusive… Small drying systems with up to three drying bins and integrated conveying system for standardised supply of up to three processing machines - these are features of Motan`s new smart solutions range METROLUX 50 and 80. These compact units meet the requirements of many plastics processors for flexible equipment in material supply, stand-alone solutions covering a wide range of applications.

Bin volumes are available as follows: from 15 to 150 litres for METROLUX 50, from 60 to 250 litres for METROLUX 80 (in each case with several intermediate sizes) as well as with a dry air capacity of 50 and 80 m3/h respectively.

Integrated into the dryer is a three-phase conveying blower with central filter, matching the material throughput and available in two sizes. Optional purge valves can be integrated in the suction box. This ensures that dried material is not subject to ambient airduring conveying breaks.

The METROLUX has a touch-screen panel, built above the dryer in a hinged housing, which controls the drying and the conveying processes.

Recipe management, DryingOrganizer and dew point control provide material protection and reproducible drying results.

The recipe management of the METROLUX is password protected. All relevant drying parameters can be provided at the operating panel with selectable recipes. The integrated dew point control assures that the dew point of the process air never falls below the minimum value.

The DryingOrganizer controls continuously the throughput of each drying bin. If the throughput of the process reduces causing the granules to be dried, to stay longer in the bin than the specified drying time, the drying temperature will be reduced automatically to an appropriate value. The drying process is slowed down and adjusted to the throughput.

This prevents over drying and thermal damage to the raw material. If the production is stopped for a period of time, the drying temperature will be reduced further to a low stand-by value. The DryingOrganizer also detects if the throughput is too high, causing the drying to fall below the specified time resulting in the raw material being insufficiently dried. A warning message informs the operator about the risk.

The METROLUX, is a self contained, stand alone small drying and conveying system, where the conveying units on the processing machine are controlled via CAN-bus. Thanks to its standard Ethernet interface the METROLUX can be linked into the Motan CONTROLnet, so it can be controlled and maintained via other WEBpanels in the network or via the Motan PC-supported LINKnet system right up to the internet.

Motan is a German company. It`s total commitment is to the storage, drying, conveying and blending of pelletised material. In many countries Motan has the sole representatives. In Poland such a sole representative is Plast Line, based in Wrocław. This company cooperates also with Getecha and Regloplas, the other leading German suppliers of plastics equipment.

Read more:
Dryers 67
Machines 630