The ground-breaking ceremony was attended by Joachim Dittrich (Chairman, Optima consumer GmbH), Matthias Dietz (Facility Management, Optima packaging group GmbH) as representative of the building owner, Optima packaging group GmbH, Alban Hutter (Managing Director, Maier Packaging GmbH) as well as Rolf Blank (Architect, Blank Ingenieurbüro), Siegfried Walch (District Administrator, Traunstein County), Stefan Schneider (Mayor of the community of Bergen), Michael Hinterlang (Managing Director, Hinterlang + Burk GmbH & Co. KG, Property developer), and Heinz Kecht (Managing Director, Heinz Kecht GmbH, Earthworks).
A modern building with areas for assembly, tool and die making, testing and a warehouse will be constructed at the Bergen site. A two-story office building will follow to accommodate the Administration and Design, Purchasing and Sales Departments are housed along with the cafeteria. "During the planning process, we paid special attention to the wellbeing of the staff", says Architect Rolf Blank from the Blank engineering company. The building is heated and cooled with geothermal energy. Approximately 50 holes were drilled with a depth of up to 90 meters. This is said to maintain a comfortable climate year around not only in the office building but also in the main building. The ceilings in the office tract serve to heat and cool the spaces. In the assembly building, so-called concrete core cooling (CCC) provides comfortable work conditions, similar to floor heating. In addition, it is said to be an especially sustainable, cost-effective and self-sufficient method of energy supply.
On 1 June 2018, Maier Packaging GmbH, as a 100% subsidiary, became part of the Optima packaging group GmbH from Schwaebisch Hall. The two companies share a bond from many years of cooperation that is now intensified even deeper. "The new construction is an important investment in the future of Maier Packaging", explains Alban Hutter, Managing Director with respect to the importance of the new construction for the company. The current site in Grassau, located only a few kilometers away from Bergen, is no longer representative and no longer meets the requirements of a modern industrial company.
Strategically well positioned, modern and room for growth
"We have the ability to grow at the new site", says Hutter. At this site, the company can purchase additional space as needed. In addition to modern work conditions, Hutter promises additional benefits from the new construction. Maier Packaging profits from the location directly at Freeway A8 between Munich and Salzburg. In addition to the logistics, this also improves the attractiveness of the employer. This because Maier can now expand its staff as well: With the new construction, we will be able to double our current staff of 44 employees, says Alban Hutter. "And these employees will now be met by ideal conditions for the future", says the Managing Director.Source: Optima packaging group GmbH