New FlexFilms e-commerce Website "FLEX-BuzzR"

New FlexFilms e-commerce Website… FlexFilms, the global film manufacturing arm of India’s largest multinational flexible packaging solutions company, Uflex, has launched first of its kind e-commerce website FLEX-BuzzR that will make available complete range of film offerings from its Poland plant to its European Union (EU) customers, at a click of a button. This uniquely designed B2B platform actually lives its tagline "Shop at Ease, Shop When You Please"! It was unveiled by FlexFilms International Vice Chairman & CEO Anantshree Chaturvedi at the renowned European trade exhibition FachPack 2018 in Germany today.

FLEX-BuzzR is intended to supplement Flex Films existing brick-and-mortar biz model. The website not only offers its portfolio of films but also allows customers to browse product catalogue, find clear product descriptions, technical specification and end applications, as also the best deals available. Eventually customers would have the option to create their cart for which a formal order would get generated in real time post confirmation by relevant sales lead. Active production site in Poland offers unique opportunity for European customers to not just pick up readily available rolls (Quick Pick order) of what they like, but also order as per their customized need at the same time (Made-to-Order).

Explaining the objective behind launching ‘FLEX-BuzzR’, Vishal Nayyar, Senior Vice President- Global Business Development at Uflex said, “What makes ‘FLEX-BuzzR’ unique is that it’s an easy to navigate user-friendly site, aimed at offering an uncluttered alternative to its European customers to explore & order Flex’s amazing flexible packaging films at their own convenience. This helps us extend engagement with our esteemed customer base in EU, by fulfilling their 11th hour film needs besides being their trusted partner on servicing their planned biz for all these years. Besides it being a unique service differentiation in the industry, Flex Films wishes to utilize this platform to announce its new product launches as also collaborate with the relevant stakeholders online to work on future film solutions of common interest.

During the unveiling of the e-commerce website, Anantshree Chaturvedi, Vice Chairman & CEO, FlexFilms International added, “With the advent of technological advancement, the world economies have witnessed a boom in e-commerce. Conventionally, packaging films have been sold through the brick-and-mortar model but resource-optimized contemporary converters are itching to have options such as e-buying to manage better, with the skeletal staff that they could profitably employ. With everything being simply a click away at any hour of the day, any day of the week, such an option works wonders for them. In keeping with the tenet of our mother brand, i.e., speed coupled with customer value creation, FLEX-BuzzR will help us enhance our operational efficiencies and offer our customers better response-time to create even bigger win-wins! Last but not the least, it is an effective marketing tool that enables us to stay connected with our key customers on relevant product developments.” To browse through Flex Film’s new e-commerce platform, click on the website

Source: FlexFilms

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Film 222
Software 167