Conventional plastic welding processes have technical disadvantages. Through this, unwanted particles are created during the friction phase of vibration welding and the melt created during heating element welding may adhere to the heating element. Additionally, the complexity of the parts to be welded and the diversity of the plastic materials used are continuously increasing.
To avoid the named disadvantages and to satisfy the growing demands due to new plastics, bielomatik has developed modular system concepts using non-contact heating which are available either as stand alone machines with just one welding process or as hybrid machines with multiple.
Furthermore, servo-hydraulic lifting tables and servo-motor drives ensure fast and precise positioning, high speeds and a considerable shortening of the traversing times, as well as the option of time, path and force-controlled welding.
The main advantages of infrared welding are especially: non-contact, fast heating of components using radiation energy with short wave infrared radiators as an energy source, welding low-viscosity plastics while avoiding the formation of loose particles during vibration welding and clearing part unevenness.
Another benefit is possible to reduce size of welding bead compared to normal contact welding. New technology also contains energy-optimised radiation source, as it is only heated during the heating process (favourable energy balance) and possibilities of spatially formed welding geometries.
Bielomatik has been founded in 1946. Today, the company belongs to the globally operating Leuze Group. The Leuze is a strong and diversified group of companies with a staff of about 1750 and total sales of about 267 million euro.