New customer center in Illig starts operation

New customer center in Illig… Illig the manufacturer of thermoforming machinery and the company which provides solutions for the packing technology could welcome altogether approx. 300 participants to the Open House held on 22nd September for the German speaking experts and on 24th September for the international professional experts.

Besides customers from Germany, Austria and Switzerland – approx. 60 percent of the participants - experts came from the West and East European market area but even customers from North and South America as well as of the Asian market area right up to China informed themselves about the state-of-the-art in thermoforming technology.

Offered were both lectures of experts regarding the state-of-the-art of thermoforming and altogether nine machine demonstrations showing practical applications under production conditions of a wide representative range. The current 3rd Generation of thermoforming machines and tools of the RDK/RDKP and RDM-K series were focused at the event this year.

The field of applications for automatic pressure forming machines of the RDK series for combined forming / punching operation as well as the RDKP series for separate forming and punching reaches from the production of hinged packages via menu trays right up to end caps. The field of applications of the RDM-K series is emphasized on the thermoforming of cups of any shape and size in multi-cavity tools. Compared with the former standard the current machine and tool generation achieves an increase in speed, which percentage is clearly in the two-digit area. At the same time energy efficiency and product quality have been improved.

New customer center in Illig starts operation

The event was held in the new Illig customer center at the Heilbronn premises, which now officially “started operation” by the 10th Open House, after the new building has been finished.

- The new Illig customer center was certainly not the only reason to accept very far distances to come to our Open House. We notice that our customers – even in the current economic crisis – have an increasing demand to be informed about new trends in thermoforming and in packaging technology. The technologies used have continued to develop very rapidly over a short time period - explained Karl Schäuble, Managing Director of the company, who visibly was pleased about the run of customers.

The new customer center is very important for Illig with regard to the wide range of offers for their customers.

- With this new building we have created a modern, future-oriented infrastructure for a lively communication center around thermoforming of plastic materials. In the future projects will be developed here with customer input all the way through to completion. At the same time in this modern environment the training courses for basics and practical application of thermoforming will take place, which are regularly held by Illig and which are still very popular and demanded - said Schäuble.

In the newly constructed building, which architecture will form Illig’s image, with its altogether 1,800 m2 usable space will provide more than 700 m² for the customer center. These are spread over a large conference hall with the most modern media technology on the first floor and multifunctional usable new conference rooms on the ground floor. On the upper floors the areas are united, which allows direct customer contact and interaction with the sales department. With an investment of 7 million EUROs for this new building Illig again strengthened the location Heilbronn and his market position.

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