"With the 'Road to digitalisation' and numerous practical examples from day-to-day injection moulding practice, we delighted our customers and demonstrated just how well positioned Arburg is with regard to the digital transformation. All those who are interested in this area found exactly the right partner in Arburg, regardless of whether they are just setting out or have already travelled part of the way," summarises Michael Hehl, Managing Partner and Spokesman for the Management Team. "The Allrounder 820 H in the new clamp design and 'Packaging' version, as well as the new ATCM SCADA system for Arburg turnkey systems also celebrated their premieres. Moreover, with the injection moulding of LSR micro components, the topic of Industry 4.0, the production of technical moulded parts and additive manufacturing, we presented some exciting applications on our ambitious exhibition stand."
"Road to Digitalisation" strikes nerve of the times
The focus at the trade fair this year was on digital transformation, an area in which Arburg is a leading influence on the industry. The unanimously positive feedback from the visitors demonstrated that Arburg has struck the nerve of the times with its "Road to Digitalisation". At various stations, visitors could obtain detailed information on digital assistance systems and services from competent Arburg experts and take numerous new ideas away with them. An insight into the future was offered by the Gestica control system featuring filling simulation, augmented reality (AR) for "smart" service, as well as new cloud-based services.