With the expansion of the collection point network in public spaces and the commissioning of the most modern PET recycling plant in Europe, Swiss PET recycling was further strengthened in 2019: The quality and proportion of R-PET in beverage bottles could be increased. The basis for this success is the voluntary collection system. Now it is important to continue this positive development in the next few years.
With the increased use of public space, the population's need to correctly dispose of PET beverage bottles on the go has increased. What started at train stations has now become a national trend. More and more cities and municipalities are installing their own recycling stations in high-traffic locations. PET Recycling Switzerland accompanies the cities and municipalities in setting up these recycling stations with specialist knowledge and information material. "This is an incredibly great development for PET recycling," says Jean-Claude Würmli, managing director of PET-Recycling Switzerland. The feedback shows that the additional recycling offer is very much appreciated. "The recycling stations have an additional effect," adds Würmli. ''The increased presence of the separate collections sensitizes the population to the importance of recycling. Ultimately, all recyclable fractions benefit from this.''
Bilten is the new center of PET recycling
The commissioning of the new PET recycling plant in Bilten (GL) in April 2019 was less noticeable, but at least as important. The new plant is significantly more energy-efficient and produces recycled PET that can hardly be distinguished from new material. The new quality is convincing: the available material for 2019 was already sold out in February. The average recyclate content in Swiss PET beverage bottles increased from approximately 30 percent at the beginning of the year to almost 40 percent at the end of 2019. It is particularly gratifying that the first bottles made of 100 percent recycled PET came onto the market in 2019. Switzerland was able to expand its global leading position in the use of R-PET. For comparison: Germany, number 2, currently has a reuse rate of just under 30 percent.
The basis for this success is the voluntary system of PET Recycling Switzerland. The involvement of all actors in the PET value chain promotes innovation and at the same time creates stable structures. This creates the prerequisites for PET Recycling Switzerland, together with its partners from the private sector, to make the important and large investments in PET recycling. For Jean-Claude Würmli the conclusion is clear: ''The year 2019 shows impressively what we can achieve together. The voluntary collection system is a Swiss success story that needs to be strengthened.''
Source: PET Recycling Switzerland