Globally, sepsis is responsible for 20 per cent of all deaths, according to a recent study. According to the World Health Organisation, in 2017, sepsis affected 49 million people worldwide and 11 million died from it. Almost half of the cases were in children (around 20 million), and in the population under the age of five, sepsis was responsible for 2.9 million deaths.
That is why the 31st Grand Finale of the Great Orchestra of Christmas Charity (GOCC) will play on 29 January 2023 under the slogan: 'We want to win against sepsis! We play for everyone - big and small!"
For the first time ever, the money raised will be used to purchase state-of-the-art equipment for the rapid identification of the bacteria that can lead to sepsis, which will serve every person.
The Great Orchestra of Christmas Charity (Wielka Orkiestra Świątecznej Pomocy, WOŚP) is the biggest, non-governmental, non-profit, charity organization in Poland raising money for pediatric and elderly care. The GOCC Foundation holds American Heart Association certification to provide courses in CPR and AED, and for the use of high technology for medical lifesaving. The GOCC aims to support health care in Poland by purchase of state of the art medical equipment for Polish hospitals and clinics and by establishing and running six medical programmes and one educational programme. The foundation supports paediatric and geriatric wards, furnishing them in both complex medical devices such as MRI scanners, and providing long-term care units with anti-bedsore mattresses and beds.
Since April 2016 the GOCC ranks on the top of the list as the most trusted public entity according to Brand Asset Valuator and is the second strongest brand in Poland in the ranking compiled by Millward Brown and Young & Rubicam agency.
We, too, are joining this fantastic initiative, which is why "Plast Echo", the magazine of the plastics industry, is taking part in the Great Orchestra of Christmas Charity for the first time!
One of the distinguishing features of each issue of 'Plast Echo' is its cover. We always put a lot of heart, work and sometimes many hours of heated discussions into developing each one. But we do it with pleasure, because the positive feedback from our readers gives us wings.
Despite the many attractive offers, the cover of no issue of Plast Echo has been commercial, we have not sold it and have no intention of doing so. But ... we will give it away for free! We will give it to anyone who decides to support the aim of the 31st Final of the Great Orchestra of Christmas Charity - We want to win against sepsis! That is why we are putting up for a special charity auction the opportunity to be featured on the cover of the March-April issue of Plast Echo!
The rules of our action are extremely simple - the winner of the auction will have the chance to design his/her own cover for the second 2023 edition of 'Plast Echo', which will be published at the beginning of March in both print and electronic versions.
The cover must include the name of our magazine and the GOCC logo. The rest is up to you. You can advertise your company, your product, your service, your favourite photo... We want it to look stunning and in the style of our previous covers.
If this is the winner's wish, our graphics department will assist in designing the cover. The proposal and graphic material must be sent by 14.02.2023.
The auction will run until 8.02.2023. But don't wait until the last minute! It will be sensational if we can raise as much money as possible to buy equipment for the rapid identification of the bacteria with which infection can lead to sepsis - because I remind you that this is precisely the aim of the upcoming 31st GOCC Finale.
And something else! The magazine's editors will be more than happy to talk to the winner of the auction and the content of this conversation will be published not only in the Plast Echo issue, but also on the Plastech portal!
We invite you to have fun for a worthy cause!