PlastEurasia Istanbul, one of the most important fairs of the Plastics Industry in the region, will open its doors between December 1-4, 2021. It is expected that more than 1.000 companies from more than 50 countries will participate in the Fair, which will take place at the TÜYAP Fair and Convention Centre. Celebrating its 30th anniversary, the Fair brings together the world's largest producers.
Plast Eurasia Istanbul Fair 30 years old
Plast Eurasia Istanbul Fair, which has continuously strengthened its position as one of the most important marketing platforms of the plastics industry since the year it started to be organized, celebrates its 30th anniversary this year. Bringing together the pioneers of the sector for 30 years, the Fair is the first in Europe and the second in the world among the annual plastic industry fairs.
Turkey, one of the centres of Europe and Eurasia in the supply of plastics, is preparing for one of the most important fairs in the sector.
The fair, which will be held on December 1-4, 2021 at the Tuyap Fair and Convention Center in cooperation with TÜYAP Tüm Fuarcılık Yapım A.Ş. and Türk Plastik Sanayicileri, Araştırma, Geliştirme ve Eğitim Vakfı (Turkish Plastic Industrialists, Research, Development and Education Foundation) (PAGEV), is expected to attract visitors from more than 100 countries, especially Germany, Russia, Azerbaijan, Bahrain, United Arab Emirates, United Kingdom, Bulgaria, Morocco, Palestine, Georgia, Iraq, Iran, Israel, Spain, Italy, Qatar, Kosovo, Lebanon, Macedonia, Egypt, Nigeria, Uzbekistan, Serbia, Saudi Arabia, Tunisia, Jordan, South Korea, Japan, Greece and Poland.

PlastEurasia Istanbul Fair does not compromise its stability
PlastEurasia Istanbul Fair continues to exist steadily with its exhibitors and visitors every year and to give direction to the sector. At the Fair, which will take place in a closed area of 120 thousand m2; this year, more than a thousand companies and company representatives will meet with potential buyers. Plastic machinery, machine industry and complementary sectors, heat and control devices, plastics and packaging technology, mould, recycling, raw materials and latest in the field of chemicals products, services, technologies and innovations will be exhibited in the Fair of the country's national participation necessary to achieve the work also continues in full swing.
Hybrid fairs grow with MyTüyap
TÜYAP Fair Group, which implements digital applications as well as physical fairs, also conducts hybrid fairs through the MyTÜYAP application. TÜYAP Fair Group, which develops digital applications that will give a new dimension to physical fairs, also brings buyers and sellers together online with a Connect program integrated with MyTÜYAP. TÜYAP, which aims to bring all the stakeholders of the Fair together thanks to an intelligent matching system working with special algorithms, ensures uninterrupted and active maintenance of trade with MyTÜYAP and Connect throughout the year. PlastEurasia Fair aims to reach a wide business volume of exhibitors and visitors with new generation fair practices.
For more information: info@plasteurasia.com