Plastics recycling technology at Edelweiss Days

Plastics recycling technology… About 60 representatives of plastics recycling companies around the globe participated in the "Edelweiss Days" on the KraussMaffei Berstorff premises in Hannover from 24th to 26th June 2014. On this occasion, they were able to witness a live demonstration of how HDPE and LDPE film scraps with different degrees of contamination are converted into high-quality compounds.

Plastics recycling helps to save natural resources

The new Edelweiss extrusion and recycling process was presented in production mode for the first time. The main benefit of this trendsetting solution is the conversion of reclaim material into high-quality compounds in a single heat. Thanks to the integrated process, repeated heating of the starting materials is not required. This saves energy, minimizes the shear stress affecting the polymer structure and thus substantially enhances material quality.

"This is exactly what our customers are looking for in order to increase their added value by diversifying their material range and enhancing material quality", explains Ralf J. Dahl, Head of the Twin-Screw Extruder Division at KraussMaffei Berstorff. "We are really happy about the great interest our customers manifested in this unique option to produce high-quality secondary plastics through recycling and to save our natural resources at the same time”, Ralf J. Dahl adds.

Converting post-industrial film scrap into compounds with high filler loading

During the demonstration, the line was used to process HDPE and LDPE post-industrial film scrap with different degrees of contamination to a PE compound with a 70 percent chalk loading. The new "Edelweiss" extrusion solution is composed of the following components: Artec recycling line module 500, Ettlinger ERF 250 melt filter, KraussMaffei Berstorff ZE 60 UTXi twin-screw extruder and Gala EAC 6 underwater pelletizer. With the given application, the line achieves an output rate of 1,000 kg/h.

Visitors to the event benefited from this unique opportunity to discuss the innovative technology and the extensive service offers in detail with the experts from Artec, Ettlinger, Nordson Kreyenborg and KraussMaffei Berstorff. "The numerous personal talks with our customers have provided us with in-depth knowledge about their individual requirements and expectations. This enables us to tailor the optimum solution for any specific application", explains Ralf J. Dahl, pleased with the positive feedback the "Edelweiss Days" received.

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