Rosmould and Rosplast are rescheduled to 2021

Rosmould and Rosplast are…

15th International Exhibition for Mould and Tool Making, Product Development and Contract Manufacturing Rosmould and 11th International Exhibition of Machinery and Materials for Plastics Industry Rosplast are rescheduled to 15 - 17 June, 2021

According to negotiations with partners and exhibitors, Messe Frankfurt RUS took the decision to reschedule the dates of Rosmould and Rosplast to 2021.

New dates of Rosmould (featuring 3D-TECH Area) and Rosplast: 25-27 August, 2020, IEC “Crocus Expo”, Moscow

The unstable epidemiological situation, the uncertainty regarding the possibility of holding mass events in the Russian Federation, as well as the ongoing ban on the entry of foreign citizens into the Russian Federation - these and a number of other factors give the Organizer reason to believe that holding exhibitions at the highest level will be impossible.

The Organizer’s mission is unchanged - exhibitions should provide maximum value for everyone, be effective business platforms, be held in an atmosphere of security and tranquility, and help create favorable conditions for interactions between business partners.

The Rosmould and Rosplast team hopes that this forced decision will find support from the professional and business communities and calls on all representatives of the industry to support each other during this difficult time.

Despite the lack of the possibility of holding exhibitions in their classical sense - with stands, ROSMOLD and Rosplast remain a meeting place for thousands of industry professionals, thanks to their online platforms. Online exhibition resources remain an effective platform for industry representatives to conduct negotiations, present their products, discuss current issues, and find new contacts.

The organizer of the Rosmould and Rosplast expresses sincere sympathy to all victims of coronavirus infection and looks forward to meeting offline at the exhibitions from 15 to 17 June 2021 in Crocus Expo, Moscow.

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Fairs 1420
COVID-19 149
Safety 84