To begin with there will be the complete "full compression" line made by Sacmi Imola, a CCM64M compression press integrated with a SCM12L slitter: able to produce up to 1600 plastic caps per minute with just 64 moulds, it also incorporates a vision system for on-line quality control.
Used worldwide, compression technology offers clear opportunities for those in the highly competitive business of plastic caps for drinks. The CCM64M blends outstanding finished product quality with low energy consumption, excellent reliability and low maintenance costs. Deserving of special mention among the other new products being placed on show by Sacmi Imola is the CBF010 (acronym for Compression Blow Forming): this high-tech plastic container-making machine features a series of continuous rotary units that turn plastic granulate into finished containers in a single cycle, thus adding the advantages of a single-stage process to those of compression technology. The CBF10 will be displayed in line with a filling machine.
In the Closures & Containers section the spotlight will be pointed at Pam technology: an acronym for Preform Advanced Moulding, this system - the latest to be developed by Sacmi Imola - revolutionises PET preform production. Düsseldorf is the ideal showcase for the prototype, which, with 48 cavities, can produce 27 thousand 23g preforms for sparkling drinks (CSD) an hour with a 28 mm neck PCO. Every day - from 10.30 to 17.00 - the Sacmi stand will be organising presentations to show customers all the plus-points of Pam technology, which range from on-line control of blowing and quality control to enhanced performance, lower energy consumption during PET extrusion and better product performance thanks to more even material distribution.