Submissions requested for the AVK Innovation Award

Submissions requested for… The AVK - Industrievereinigung Verstärkte Kunststoffe e.V. (Federation of Reinforced Plastics) invites submissions for the AVK Innovation Award 2015 in the field of Fibre Reinforced Plastics (FRP) / Composites in the following categories:
  • Innovative products/components or applications
  • Innovative processes/procedures
  • Particularly attractive FRP employer
  • Research and science
The Innovation Awards aim to promote the development of new products/components and applications using fibre reinforced plastics as well as new procedures and processes for manufacturing these FRP products. A further award will be presented to universities and institutes for outstanding work in the area of scientific research while a further category recognises a particularly attractive FRP employer. The key evaluation criteria in this category are achievements in human resources management, corporate culture and occupational health and safety. "Sustainability" is another important aspect of each submission considered by the judges.

The AVK Innovation Award aims to recognise both, the innovations and the people and institutions responsible for them with the goal of raising public awareness of the achievements of the sector as a whole.

The closing date for submission documents is 31 March 2015. Further information and the evaluation criteria at organizer's website.

The award ceremony will take place during the 1st International Composites Congress (ICC) from 21–22 September 2015 at the ICS International Congress Center Stuttgart.

This new Composites Germany Congress removes the AVK conference and will take place in conjunction to the Composites Europe Trade Fair (22 - 24 September 2015).

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