Summary: Argenplás 2012

Summary: Argenplás 2012 More than 17,000 people visited Argenplás 2012.

The exhibition had stands of important referents of the world; Brazil, China, Italy, Taiwan, Korea and India were some of the most prominent exhibitor countries.

The exhibition, in spite of the international situation, showed a sustained and prolonged growth of the prosperous industry of plastic. The sector has been evolving rapidly at a global level, so technology innovation and the industry requirement fulfillment were the main focuses of the event.

The opening ceremony, which started Argenplás, had the presence of Beatriz Paglieri, Secretary of Foreign Trade of the Ministry of Economy; Gabriel Pascual, Director of Reed Exhibitions Argentina and Alberto Bracali, Vice president of the Cámara Argentina de la Industria Plástica (CAIP)( Argentine Chambers of the Plastic Industry).

“ All that has to do with exhibitions where purchasers, salespeople and producers interchange experien ce generates a very good job and advancement in service for the entire sector” said Paglieri at the opening speech.

“ We propitiate more and better commerce. We are not reducing imports; we are working strongly to increase exports. We are working to sustain and, as far as possible, increase employment.” added Paglieri at Argenplás.

“ This new edition of Argenplás is consolidated as a business platform, both for big companies and Small and Medium-sized businesses. The last innovations in: machinery, raw material, equipment and other products were present with leader companies and referents of the local and international market” said the Director of Reed Exhibitions Argentina.

On the other hand, the engineer Bracali assured that “It is perceived at the exhibition the vigor and dynamism of an industry that is a synonym of innovation and productivity. Argenplás is becoming a business platform both for medium-sized and small-sized industries.”

A cooperation agreement between the Cámara Argentina de la Industria Plástica (CAIP) ( Argentine Chambers of the Plastic Industry ) and the Instituto Argentino de Normalización y Certificación (IRAM) (Argentine Institute of Regulation and Certification) was signed for the promotion and development of reciprocal complementation, cooperation and technical assistance activities which allow the enhancement of the plastic industry competitiveness.

It was also made an assistance agreement between the Chamber and the Universidad Tecnológica Nacional (National University of Technology) through its Technological Center for Sustainability (CTS), with the aim of mutual collaboration in all those activities of common interest such as: courses, seminars, studies, research, internships, technology transference, consultancy, and technical assistance programs.

Argenplás also offered different workshops made with the purpose of contributing to the training of professionals of the sector, for instance: “Situation of Plasticulture in Argentina” by Ing. Agr. Alberto Stavisky, President of the Argentine Committee of Plastics for the Agricultural Production (CAPPA), “Norma IRAM 13610”, “Scheme and Benefits” by the Argentine Institute of Regulation and Certification (IRAM) and “ECOPLAS: Situation of Plastics and its Relation with Environment ” by Ing. Mario Tonelli.

The next edition of Argenplás will take place from June 16 to 22, 2014 at the center Costa Salguero, Buenos Aires .

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