Summary: Plastpol 2011

Summary: Plastpol 2011 Plastpol 2011 was 20% bigger. Tons of most modern equipment, hundreds of novelties and 680 exhibitors from as many as 31 countries. This is just a brief description of one of the largest exhibitions in this business sector in Europe – 15th International Fair of Plastics and Rubber Processing Plastpol held in Targi Kielce from 24th to 27th May 2011. Fair were visited by 17.000 people.

Plastpol established the records in the categories of the number of visitors as well as the exhibition space where the fair guests were presenting their products. Every year this is the most international exhibition in Poland. The companies from all over the world were presenting their machines. And among them there were the representatives of Germany, Italy, Sweden, Austria, France, Korea, Switzerland, China, Taiwan, Czech Republic, the Netherlands, Turkey, Hungary, Spain, Portugal, Ukraine, Japan, Belgium, the USA, Thailand, Slovakia, Denmark, Great Britain, India, Saudi Arabia, Israel, Egypt, Slovenia, Latvia, Lituania and Poland.

The Plastpol fair showcased all kinds of machines and appliances used in plastic processing industry, tools and moulds utilised in this line of business, the whole variety of plastics and components, recycling technologies as well as IT systems which support the plastic processing industry. Companies from the sector of packaging industry were presenting technological solutions for plastic packaging as well as the final products. The fair was the place to see complete technological lines and product creation process. For the first time the line of products presented at the fair has been expanded to showcase gum products.

Plastpol 2011

The leading companies from the sector have took part in Plaspol 2011. And among machine producers and distributors there were, among other companies; A.Marciniak, Arburg, Autodesk, Battenfeld, BMB, Demag, Desma, Dopak, Elbi, Engel, Erema, MT Recykling, Muehsam, Nissei, Plastigo, Plastline, Reifenhauser, Stork, Wadim Plast, Wema. The companies which represent plastic production sector were A.Schulman, Albis, Ampacet, Ashland, Azoty, Basf, Bassel Orlen, Biesterfeld, Borealis, Brenntag, Gabriel Chemie, Resinex, Sabic, TVK.

Almost all exhibitors presented novelties.

For example Engel has presented innovative injection moulding technology with peak efficiency and cost effectiveness. Company has shown how the Engel duo 3550/500 pico machine consumes significantly less energy for the production of crates made of polypropylene than conventional hydraulic injection moulding machines. The economical working method of the 500-tonne machine, operating at the trade fair with a Haidlmair mould, is attributable to the servohydraulic Engel ecodrive, which can be supplied as an option for all hydraulic machines from the Engel product programme.

Very high quality of the products which were showcased at the fair resulted in a large number of prizes and distinctions. 23 distinctions and 10 Targi Kielce gold medals have been awarded in total. The winners were selected in 5 categories; machines and appliances for plastic processing, tools and instrumentation for plastic processing, plastics and auxiliary materials, special techniques and technologies. 15 distinctions and 3 medals have also been awarded for the trade fair presentation, i.e. for the arrangement of the exhibition stands.

Plastpol 2011

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Fairs 1390
Plastics 1062