The FIP exhibiton postpones to April 2022

The FIP exhibiton postpones…

FIP - France Innovation Plasturgie, France's leading trade fair for the plastics industry, initially scheduled from 15 to 18 June 2021, has been postponed from 05 to 08 April 2022 at Lyon Eurexpo.

In this unprecedented context of health crisis, uncertainty continues to persist about near future of trade fairs. The impossibility of projecting oneself with serenity once again compromises the organisation of an event such as the FIP. Exhibitors need time to carry out their participation, which cannot be guaranteed for June 2021.

The organiser (IDICE, a subsidiary of INFOPRO DIGITAL group) has taken this decision in consultation with the main professional partner organisations of the sector: Polyvia and ACDI.

Nathalie Curvat, Deputy Managing Director of Infopro Digital Group's Industries’ exhibitions explains : « We are forced to postpone this edition considering the uncertainties concerning administrative and sanitary constraints that will prevail in June, despite our impatience, in order to finally meet again, discover and share efficiently in face to face. Meanwhile, FIP will remain present alongside exhibitors and partners to support and highlight major developments throughout the sector. »

« The preparation of FIP mobilises exhibitors several months in advance and this is even more a fact for manufacturers to showcase their latest machines and eavy equipments. We remain mobilized for this event next year, which will be one of a major highlight awaited by the whole industry » adds Emmanuel Rabut, President of ACDI.

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Fairs 1416
Plastics 1099
Polymers 330