With novelties in the design and functionality, the new roll-on deodorant packages of the brands Rexona, Dove and Axe, by Unilever, also count on Braskem polypropylene in the composition of its lids and bodies. The innovating design, with highlight to the package`s inverted position, makes the application easier and improves the usage of the product.
Plastek and Sinimplast, Braskem clients, are the suppliers of the packages for Unilever that use the Polypropylene H301 resin. - This package is totally produced by the injection process, which brings flexibility and simplifies the manufacturing process - explains Rui Chammas, Braskem polypropylene business director. - We are already developing a new resin for the roll-on sphere ring, the only part of the package that, for now, is imported - he highlights.
To Plastek Package Development coordinator, Cláudio Bonini, the line`s new deodorants "aggregate sophistication in the details and richness to the visual, due to their components being produced 100% by this injection process".
The Plastek coordinator tells that, during the development phase, some types of resin were assesses for the product`s approval, and points out Braskem`s support in the process: - Braskem gave us total support for the final product to have the value it has today in the market.
Fruit of innovating technology developed by Unilever, the change in the deodorants has already been taken to the whole world. The roll-on is the applier of greatest penetration in the Brazilian deodorant market. For Braskem, the novelty represents an increase of 350 tons per month in resin sales, equivalent to 4.2 thousand tons a year.