Ulf Trabert, Product Manager Branded Goods: "Innovative product strategies are the basis for long-term market success. Consumers don't just expect an impeccable product, they also want to be addressed personally and experience the product and its packaging with all their senses. New technical ideas and solutions as well as the trend towards individualisation are taking on an increasingly important role in the world of plastics. New effects such as marble, onyx and oxidation impress the consumer and stand out at the point of sale."
These effects are achieved thanks to the extraordinarily high level of expertise of the colourists at Gabriel-Chemie Germany. The outstanding marble effect is obtained through the careful selection of polymers and the master batch recipe. It also involves the accurate adjustment of the processing machinery, essential in itself for a perfect final result. The advice of specialists at Gabriel-Chemie is indispensable here. These effects are at their most spectacular during the injection-moulding process. Almost every colour used for the marble and onyx effects is suitable for the manufacture of foodstuffs (in accordance with Decree 1935/2004 EC).
Gabriel-Chemie specialises in refining and colouring plastics. The company was founded in 1950 and is now one of Europe's leading masterbatch manufacturers. The independent, privately owned group has its headquarters in Gumpoldskirchen in Austria, and operates further subsidiaries in Germany, Great Britain, Hungary, the Czech Republic, Poland, Italy, Spain and Russia, where it employs approximately 550 people.